Women are having breasts mutilated. By request! In the name of spoof science. Where are we going, and what input has Bio Craniopathy got to offer on this monstrous procedure being touted in the name of medicine? Firstly, stand back for this revelation for which I make no claim to ownership of the intellectual property.… Continue reading Genes and Breast Mutilation
Author: Dr. Boyd
Fragmented Healthcare
Sometimes I find it difficult to believe what I’m reading. As I write there is a report of a study in the UK which followed over 5 million Britons over 7 years (how much did that cost?) and concluded excess weight increases the risk of developing ten common cancers by up to 62 per cent.… Continue reading Fragmented Healthcare
Bio Craniopathy and Golf
With the advent of the PGA current I thought readers might enjoy some comments of professionals on the incredible benefits of the cranial approach as experienced by those in the golfing world. Here are some extracts of comments and testimonials: …Misalignment of these bones (cranial) can produce extreme balance disorders like vertigo, BPPV, and Menieres… Continue reading Bio Craniopathy and Golf
The Big Player – Involuntary Movement
Anatomy and Health What has the body’s structure, its architecture, got to do with health and wellbeing? Most, including many professionals, think very little. Well, maybe a big little. Even many of those closely involved in “structural medicine”, such as chiropractors and osteopaths, tend towards a limited concept such as musculoskeletal problems, even if not… Continue reading The Big Player – Involuntary Movement